Monday, October 31, 2011

I Surrender All

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Now Is The Time

Now ,is the time where we can stop playing church and actually be the church. You know it always seemed funny that when questions were asked I did not get an direct answer. Why is it not easier to just say I don't know. Than to talk all around the question. Thereby leaving room for the devil to sow doubt, discouragement, and unbelief. We need to be ready to give a biblical answer . So, it show us how to live in these trying times. So, it is our obligation to the church to give an answer to the hope that lies within us and when we don't know at least tell them that I do not know but i can direct you to someone who does.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Know A People

I know a people who will never bow down.
I know a people who stand for something.
I know a people who will tell you the truth.
I know a people who look to the hills.
I know a people who can get a prayer up.
I know a people who have found they're way.
I know a people who can praise they're way
I know a people who will love on you.
I know a people who will teach you how to love.
I know a people who seeks to go to heaven above.
I know a people who knows where they came from.
I know a people who understand.
I know a people who is in God's unchanging hand.
I know a people who lends a helping hand .
I know a people with a plan.
I know a people who say's we can.
I know a people which will be there for you.
Who is this people the one and the true.
God's chosen this is what they do.......

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Out Of The Furnace and Into Victory

    Read Daniel 3:1-30.  Could, you even begin to imagine being sentence to die by the way of the fiery furnace heated seven times hotter than
it had ever been.  Now, Peter knew the deep rooted spirituality application for today's Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. For, peter Said: " Beloved, think it not strange concerning fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange
thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's
sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.  How are these related the New and Old Testament scriptures?
    Notice, there is always going to be someone  who will test your faith in God as did the king to the Hebrew boys . You bow down to me or die. Now days you have family, friends, bosses, and coworkers that will ask you to compromise what you believe for that promotion, friendship, for love, and more.
    Just like you have worldly morals, principles, and values.  A spiritual believer has spiritual morals, principles, and values lived out of the Bible to help one endure the suffering of everyday life. While, the world threatens to take all you have if you don't bow down to it's image.  I know it does not feel good to suffer for the name of Christ .  It is worth the sacrifice to go to heaven then to have your heaven on earth but when you die it is certain you can't take nothing with you. The king under estimated the power of The Almighty
just like we are being under estimated by the world having the same God.
    Malachi 3:6 , For I am the Lord, I change not: therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. So, then if God is the same God who delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He the same God who will deliver us and has delivered us without traces of the fire burning us, no smell of smoke like standing in front of the grill, and not even a hair being singed nor clothes burned up. The good part about it is we come out way better than when we went in. No matter how hot your furnace may be. There is nothing to hard for the Lord! If only we fall down in the midst of the furnace God will begin to walk around with us in the furnace , showing His glory.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Real Friend in Jesus

   How would you define a real friend?  Most will Say: Someone, who got my back , no matter what, others would Say: Someone, who agrees with me regardless of right or wrong, and a few would Say:That a true friend will drop whatever they're doing to come to your beckoning call. Now, a real friend is not going to agree with you when you are wrong. When you need advice a true friend will tell you what you need and not what you want. A true friend will be there no matter what to help you through those trying times in life. Example of a true friend: A true friend if they see a rip in your clothing. Will tell you to save you the embarrassment.  A true friend wont air your dirty laundry to all who would lend a ear. I know friend of whom I can telling everything and He never tells anyone but puts it in a sea of forgetfulness never to return.
   My friend will never turn His back on me.  When, I had turned my back 
on Him He just kept on loving me. When, there was nobody else to turn to He was there to listen to my cry. God is the only one, I know who knows all about me but did not tell anyone else. The bible says: A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother
Proverbs 18:24. If you want a friend you can trust then try Jesus.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Gift Of Life

  God has given us the gift of life and how we live our lives shows how we appreciate the giver of the gift. Life is so precious, but in living many days we begin to lose sight of the fact that we don't know when we will die.  We begin to plan months ahead of time not even giving thought one way or the other whether we will live or die. The bible teaches us that a man that is born of a woman is but a few days and this full of trouble. So, let me see if I am looking at this right. First we are promised a few days, so do we really have time to even plan or should we say if God wills we will do thus and thus.
  Secondly, this is full of trouble. When we begin to live more than one day at a time we are really adding more trouble to our days . I don't know about you, but I have enough going on at times than to have some added troubles. Now, consider this when we bought for instance a new car. Oh, how we were washing , waxing, looking for scratches, parking way away from other cars thinking we will not suffer any damage. All this to only treat it as a used car after some point.  We are so excited with the newness of things but as soon as the excitement wears off  we are now looking for something else.
  There is nothing to hard for the Lord that anyone should subject themselves to committing suicide. You can cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.  God Says:"Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for My yoke is easy and My burdens are light". In other words God wants to govern you about  not allowing life to over work you or  your pains from relationships (friends, family, and associates) to cause you distress. Yes, we don't always get the best breaks in life , we suffer hardships, we worry but we have a relationship with God to the extent we begin to trust Him more and more each day. this is what allows us to be victorious, making our lives much easier.
 We did nothing to deserve life nor can we do anything to keep it. I will say this, you can prolong your days by honoring your mother and father this was a promise from God. So, now how will you live your life?